Letter of Support for Brookline’s Kindergarten Teachers

To the Superintendent and members of the Brookline School Committee,

We are parents, caregivers, and supporters of children in the Public Schools of Brookline. We write to show our support for PSB kindergarten teachers. We ask you to listen to them, take seriously their observations, expertise, and ideas, and act in the best interest of the youngest children in our schools.

We are concerned that classroom teachers, who work directly with our students and know them well, are finding that district mandated programs may be diminishing our children’s love of learning, and damaging their socio-emotional wellbeing.We hear that rigid, scripted, ever-increasing literacy blocks are crowding out time for play-based learning. Young children cannot be expected to sit still and to excel in desk-bound academics. We see in our own homes every day that they need to move, explore, interact and engage with the world. Why is the district requiring longer literacy blocks and “working snacks”? In some schools these blocks can be up to 90 minutes long, a tremendous amount of time in the instructional day when accounting for transitions, lunch, and specials. We are concerned that increased academic requirements are reducing the time available for play-based learning.

We are concerned when we hear teachers reporting that our children are showing increased anxiety as well. They are saying they can see behavioral problems rise as children are pushed away from play and towards rote academics. Research reflects this. Please see the work of Nancy Carlsson-Paige, an award-winning Massachusetts based researcher who has published many papers on the potentially detrimental effects of forcing children to learn to read too early (https://bit.ly/1FL9ExQ).

No child in the Brookline schools should ever say, “I’m not good at anything,” simply because we are asking them to do something they are not developmentally ready to accomplish. And yet this is exactly what kindergarten teachers are hearing from some of their students.

We are concerned that the focus on academic literacy out of synch with developmental readiness may be adversely impacting the most vulnerable students, undermining their confidence, especially when teachers are not allowed the flexibility to adapt to the student’s unique needs. On top of this, excessive data collection requirements are taking away time that teachers could spend working directly with their students or developing plans specific to the needs of their students. An example: the hours spent filling out progress reports that no parent can decipher is time spent away from teaching.

We support kindergarten teachers and their call to preserve play-based learning in Brookline. This is the direction many of the state’s best districts are moving in. There is an ample body of research that has repeatedly shown the power and importance of play in childhood learning. (Links to some of this research: https://bit.ly/2XEUxS5)

We also believe in the importance of choice time, to give our kindergartners the opportunity to spend time every day on activities that they choose and feel are fulfilling and empowering.

We urge the school committee to act in its capacity as representative citizen body to do what you can to return play, teacher creativity, and developmental readiness to the heart of our children’s kindergarten experiences. We ask you to find out why the district is moving away from play-based learning, and to ask our administrators what they can do to help reverse this trend.

When kindergarten teachers from across Brookline choose to speak in unison, for the sake of the children we put in their care, we must listen and act.

(You can add your signature here: https://forms.gle/ZTYgqY9phsaA92ww9)


Benjamin Kelley

Meghna Chakrabarti

Carey B Goldberg

Stephanie Bruce

Lauren Bernard

Rebecca Manor

Lauren Bozzuto

Philippa Brousseau 

priya raju

Brian Bozzuto

Leigha Cuniberti

Katja Vinha

Rengel Alexandra

Josie Petersen

Monica Gadaleta

Tali Frastai

Ayelet Geri

Alexa Martin

Emily Speicher

Sana Aiyar 

Lisa Guisbond

Carolina Abuelo

Sarah Bookbinder

Trish Navarrete

Emily Sinagra

Mike Offner

Spence Merrow Paras

Emily Kitchings 

Adam Weiner

Luciana Schachnik

Charu Swamy

Andrew Kitchings

Sarah Georgakopoulos

Berenika Voskoboynik

Ines Costa Dias

Katherine Butler

Tal Kenet

Kimberly Loscalzo

Nicholas Yoder

Anna Hartmann

Daria Mark

Nagmeh Ansari

Valerie Roth

Acacia Landfield 

Jenny Searles Margulies 

Andrew Becker

Mariah Nóbrega

Tamar Winter

Lonna Steinberg

Pete Paras

Erin Loparo

Peter Lahey

Joseph Loparo 

Jennifer Barnes

Lara Jarrell

Patti Hartigan

Harmony Decosimo

Elizabeth Dupuy

De young

Lori Preston


Susan Park

Megan Zorn

Jennifer Hughes

Ruth Kaplan

Kelly Tynan

suzette abbott

Benjamin Wish

Chitra Raju

Naama Gal

Sharon Imber

Marilyn Stein

Scott Jacobson

Erin Schroeder

Lynda Roseman

Amy climo

Mark Gerber

Jennifer Anderson 

Barbara Lucchesi

Andrei Joseph

Shadi Johnston

Jennifer Debin

Susan Manaras

Susan Manaras

Jennifer Hunt

Morgan Esperance

Tania Schlatter

Patrick Esperance

Lindsey Hoffman


Sarah Pickard

Matthew Mandel

Rachel Goldman

Rebecca Rabin

Michael Caltabiano

Karen Kariv


Patrick Barrett

Jessica Lodge

Leonardo Esperance

Nova Esperance

Darvensley Esperance 

Julie Bedard

Alison Neal

Lauren Ruchelsman

Amy Chessia

Amy Chessia

Deborah Kobes

Bree Allen

Michele A Smith

Lynne Castronuovo

Cynthia McPherson

Corinna Pringle

Carrie Jacobs


Jeannine Randolph

Angela Pape

Elizabeth Pino

Jane Ellin

Shelly Magno

Carly Charalambou

Stephanie Rosenfield

Zong liu

Laura Baines-Walsh

Amy Feingold-Meyers

Jessica Silbey

Darvensley Esperance 

Keri Hannagan 

Elizabeth Ransom

Molly Cohen-Osher

Kirsten Waerstad

Elizabeth Ascoli

Mariela Ames 

Marianna Drootin

Felice Friedman

Sharon McCarrell

Emily Mann

Mayeti Gametchu 

Hedva Kobes

Elizabeth Bellis-Kates

Kornelia Polyak

Danna Perry

Carrie-Ann Kerwin

Deane Coady

Jaime Dasque

Simona Rits 

Bill Schechter

Lorri Marek-Kagan

Lynn Modell 

Kathleen Solomon

Tali Moreshet

Beth Boucher

Jennifer Englund

Ivan Zanoni

Amos Gutnick

Debra Abrams

Regina Glaser

Victoria Stockton 

Elizabeth Crane

Melanie Sokol

Deb McCarthy

Michael DiClemente 

Lauren Berry

Vanni Bucci

Mickie Dumont 

Maggie Bowlby

Ran Margalit 

Anat Biran

Susan Balogh

Angela Schena

Heather Green

Astrid Allen

Mary Beth Landrum

Cara Faria

Linda Eckersley

Lori B. Preston

Eric Edward Preston

Jessica Chicco

Amy Bolotin

Eileen Walfish 

Jake Barrett

Keira Flynn-Carson

Bohn Buechner Whitaker

Lisa Nowak

Myra Goldberg

Cara Florance

Roohia Klein

Ellen Groustra 

Kacie Bonin

Jason S Hellendrung

Kathryn Coronges

Anna Cowenhoven

Kaitlyn Lawrence

Cecilia Garcia Caballero

Meredith Wilson

Beth Gilligan

Erin Murphy

Geraldine McGlynn

Sara Mnookin

Meghan Cooper 

Bambi Good

Erica Key

Maria Juliana Safar

Catherine Boucher

AMY Barsky

Melissa Foley

Sarah Ross

Lisa Pewitt

Britta Lassmann

Deborah Hatzieleftheriadis 

Lanng Tamura

Michael Mello

K M Parker

Marcy Fischer

Alisa Conner

Sarah Frederick


Jeffrey Tiger

Cristina Toledo-Cornell 

Lisa Ting

Amy Meunier

Kate Martin

Caitlin Studdard

Ginger Melton

Martha Leader

Laura Tarter 

Angelica Rona

Amanda Zimmerman 

Danielle Rabina

Susan Li. 

Danielle Hannigan

Damien Thornton

Julia Lindenberg

Lucila Halperin

Catherine Burke

Vanessa Trien

Sarita Chung

Kim Sousa

Karyn Wergland

Adrienne Bowman

Daniel Verinder

Federica Piccioni

Celeste Finison

Kristine Knauf

Jean O'Halloran

Esther Leibel

Angie Schmider

Em Kessler

Robert Weintraub

Dianys Mendez

Ted M Lewis

Rebecca Weitz Shapiro

Richard Nangle

Jonathan Fine

Kathie Butler

Gretchen Tucker Underwood

Lauren Carroll

Brian Walsh

Joyce Jozwicki

Rebecca Selbak

Carol Schraft

Senofer Mendoza

Bita Tabesh

Yukiko Egozy

Karen Kuskin-Smith

Lisa Stahl

Kimberly Golden

Fiona Fennessy

Gill Simkiss

Sadra Isaacs

Kim Manasevit 

Merav Shohet

Jessie Keppeler

Joanne Riley

Katharine Brooks Leness

Tony Leness

Ruth Kaplan

Petra G. Bignami

Sarah Giarrusso

Marissa  Maki

Sara Schoenfeld

JAMES C.Cradle

Marc Wein

Kathleen McKenna

Laura Weinstein

Adrian Bignami

Kaitlyn Cahill

Leslie O'Toole

Vikas Anand

Jennifer Carballo

Andrew Mullins

Sara S Gewurz

Carolina Celaro 

Igor Muravyov

Sam Schneider

Eva Nikovski

Ginny Friedman

Diane Lande 

Erin Solovey

C. Scott Ananian

Donna de Foleschampe

Howard Shen

Sean G Megason

Ai-Chun Cheng


Tammy Johns

Maayan Landy

Duke vo

Michael Strunk 

Alex Loscalzo 

Kayla Schwartz

Deb Becker

Lauren Stern

Cher Duffield

Kimberly Rowell

April Silbert

Carole Seigel

Christina Harris

Amanda Livengood

Jonathan Ross

Amanda Weeden

Nicole Connors 

Lauren Harrison

Jennifer Papasodoro 

Sara O'Brien

Shelly Chin

Francesca Pontiroli 

Anna Hughes

Robert Mallery

Katherine Ingraham 

Jane Kanarek

Amanda Gordon

Athena Rodriguez

Audrey Lee

Eric Stamp

rebecca manor

Laura Gurry

Bridget Muelbert

Jenny Tam

Margaret Lai

Jayne E. Kerner

Erika White

Mark Goldner

Dominique Gonyer

Jocelyn Guggenheim 

Tracy McNeal

Elizabeth Solinga

Janet Cline

Lyndsey Niehus 

Margaret Evans

Cristina Moreira

Ross Knights

Dorothy Lebach

Christine Rogers

James B Rogers

Cornelia van der Ziel

Kathleen May

Phoebe Segal

Joeanna McPherson

Bruce Mallory

Hannah Dalpiaz

Christine Zu Ermgassen

Cathleen Aron Schoen

Katia Wish


Deborah Costolloe

Leslie Spaneas

Agnès Albérola

Marcia Hnatowich

Emily McGinnis

Alisa Ridruejo

Don Hnatowich

Russ Cox

Gili Naveh

Shuai Zhang

Gina Vargus

Martin Sleeper

Anna Garza-Mayers

Alexander Bockman

Robert Solinga

Joshua Paul Dupuy

Rachel Huckfeldt

Bill Schechter

Marie-Christine Harvey

Sarah Shalek

Pat Vonnegut

Bree Ojeda

Kelly Quaye

Lauren Knighton

Claire Vogel

Yuval Hart

Nira Pollock

Emily Lyettefi

Kristin Hung

Andréa Bleichmar 

Yana Huss

Carol Savage

Wesley Schwartz

Shan Liu

Karine Gibbs

Jules Milner-Brage

Rachel Tseng

Patrick Feeney


Teresa Torchia

Alexander Tsai

Ian Johnston


Christina Harris

Felipe Genoveze

Steven Ehrenberg

Jen Reed

Philip Abrams

Alain Jehlen

Meighan Rock

Abby Johnson

Marie A. Gardiner

Anastasya Partan Tveteraas 

Susan Gauss

Ellen Goldberg

Nella LaRosa-Waters

David Russell

Susan Zeiger

Yen-Lin Chen

Kate Jones

Stephanie Mullins 

Rubén Arnao Rodriguez

Elizabeth Percy


Liz Donovan

Catherine bernard

Nicole Maclay 

Melodie Jeffery-Cassell

Jennifer Kerner

Jonathan Kerner

Melissa Bird

david Klafter

Yo-EL Arnaldo Cassell

Vaishali Kushwaha

Sheila Kaspik 

Stephen Vogel

Mari Kotlov

Olivia Reyelt

Manolis Kellis

Charles Taylor

Sheri Simmons

Joanna Davidson

Karen A Galbraith

Byron Galbraith

Christi Electris

Christine Lilienfeld

Maureen Fallon

Hillary Zahm

Sherry Flashman

Anna Healy

Margarita Perez

Rose Avakian

Fauzia Rashid

Nancy Harlow

Gayle L

Emily Dolbear

Sheryl McGovern

Maria Leuner

Annelena Lobb

Elizabeth Schafer

Sean McMahon

Maggie Shirland

Mark Leuner 

Stephanie Cohen

Robin Brooks

stacey batista

Kristie McElhaney

Sameer Upadhyay

Nora Keenan

Jennifer Anders Katz

Toby Raybould

Terese Romano

Kha Dickerman

Jeff walker

Pam Fiorelli


Michael Desai

Dean Lyettefi

Ana Otero

Anna Asphar

Tiffany Rinne

Youly Diamanti-Karanou

Eva Lundsager

Veronique Corrdin

Lena Berc

Caitlin Vaughn

Brian O'Halloran

Serena Parekh 

Gillian Webster

Krista McDowell

Ann Goebel-Fabbri

Leah Harsfield

Laurie Lasky

Sarah Bob

Paula Rogovin 

Nancy Pronovost

Hilary Elkins

Monica Tovar 

Margaret Farnan

Christina Lee

Ryan Wenk

Jennifer Conner

Jennifer Adler

Peggy Campion

Lee L. Selwyn, TMM Pct. 13, Member, Advisory Committee

Vanisha Bapat

Roger Grande

Mary Jo

Richard Levy

Tung Lee

Barr and Joyce Jozwicki  TMM pct 9

Melissa Hale Woodman

Manjari Miller

Kristina Tobey

Virginia Smith

Jeremy Bloch

Martha Caron

Dirk R Englund

Clint Richmond

sofia gertsberg

Annie Rotner

Lisa Yuen

Kevin Rhoads

Paul Warren

Helen Haller

Leena Mittal

Melissa Finkelstein

Michelle Simon

Julia H Farago

Maya Norton 

Peter Fuller

Sarah Zimman

michelle morgenstern

Sharon Gilad-Gutnick

Michelle Morgenstern

Deb Allen

shula gilad

Shai Schubert

Mrs. Hillary Shivers

Carlos Ridruejo

Charles Morgan, Ph.D.

Charles Morgan

Amy Rugel

Meg Taylor

Kirsten Lockwood

Jane Flanagan

Nancy Gutmann

Kimberly Arkin

Shalev Gilad

joshua paris

Melissa Gallin

Christine M Potts


Randa Reitman

John Gunning

Maureen McKeon

Christine Langhoff

Maryanne Senn

Melissa Dulla

Rob Schoen

Susan Faja

Adam Faja

Savyon Cohen 

Yuling Zhang

Archana Basu

Barbara Gutman

Janice S. Kahn

Rupa Cornell

Britt leon 

Michelle Mund

Susan Linn